Saturday, July 6, 2013

Poem of the Day

The Last Dance

Will you dance with me tonight?

I don't have rhythm
I have two left feet
But I'll follow your lead

Swing, swing, swing

If I fall will you catch me?
The moonlight can guide us through the dark
The cold will allow our embraces to last longer

When the symbol of my femininity has fallen
Remind me how beautiful I am
And I will remind you how much I love you

I'm weak on my feet now that the leaves have fallen
It seems like just seconds ago, we were walking endlessly in the hot summer nights
Where did our time go?
Carry me to bed now that my strength is gone

Before I take my leave, promise to look forward
From time to time, I will say hello
Perhaps I'll gently tap your shoulder when you're waiting alone in line
Or ignite the fire in the fireplace so the warmth of the flames remind you of me.

Will you dance with me my last dance on Earth?
I promise when you meet me, I will give you your first dance in Heaven.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Poem # 3


If I close my eyes, I see everything
The pitch black room is suddenly filled with flashes of bright colors

The walls are non-existent
And even the man who makes you nervous suddenly becomes your best friend

Suddenly, you can dance
The movement of your hips are in sync with his

There is no turning back now from this ephemeral bliss

Your sleek straight hair falls into place
As he caresses your bronzed, glowy skin

He is the man standing in the moonlight
He puts the star in starlight
And all the world is lit

Monday, July 1, 2013

Poem #2: The Lady in Pink

The Lady in Pink

She doesn't say very much
Her soft whispers are sometimes hard to hear
But her eyes say enough to make you feel


The clacker of her pink heels
The natural tint of pink on her lips
The rosy pink color on her cheeks
Was enough to make anyone go mad

NO man could understand
Why her smile ignited a passion inside.

She was the flame,
and they, they were the


Her every move left everyone perplexed and in awe.

Her hair in the moonlight could cause such a disturbance
Where sleepless hearts couldn't rest until seeing her once more.

When she walked by
her cherry blossom scent
intoxicated the room

Every man was in love
with her golden smile
with her provocative thoughts
and her steadfast love

If only they knew...

That her universe was filled with doubt, insecurities, and a fragile heart.
So fragile that she felt undeserving of love.

Her pink heels, her rosy cheeks, and her tinted lips, were all beautiful
But when she looked in the mirror, she was never...


She always saw a broken glass, but all they saw was the delicate beauty in pink.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Please Excuse My Writer's Block!

Writer's Block. The worst thing that can happen to a writer! I'd prefer cluttered thoughts, cluttered ideas, over having none at all. There is nothing more terrifying than wanting to write, but not being able to. Now I can still write something, but it wouldn't be very good, and what good would that do? So, meet my dearest enemy: writer's block. Now, writer's block knocks on my door from time to time. It likes to come when I want to write the most. Thankfully it's not a disease, it's more like the cold; slowly but surely it goes away. So as I continue to write for the rest of summer, I hope to sit back with a cold glass of tea and indulge in the noise of my keyboard as I type away. Hope you are all enjoying summer to the fullest because, La vie est belle (Life is Beautiful)!!!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Poem #1

A True Friend-- Poem #1 

When you have lost faith, be still.
I promise I will speed through cities to meet you

I promise I will extend my arms until they wrap around the earth 
To remind you that you are safe 

Be calm, be still, be you

I see your brokenness
And though I don’t intend to mend you
I will repair lost time  
Because I often forget how to be a friend

Be calm, be still, be you

I promise to not fall asleep on the phone on you
Even if it means indulging in a latte with a double shot of espresso at 2 in the morning          

I promise to remind you how beautiful life is by making you laugh
Even when I’m finding little reason to smile myself

Be calm, be still, be you

I promise not to laugh and help you up when you fall
Especially because I know you would never let me trip on unstable ground

I will stay by your side
Even when they days have consumed our youth

In a wheelchair, with a cane
I’ll still be your friend
Because when trends fade and houses grow old, a friend never does

Let's Talk Poetry!

Welcome to my blog, where I will be sharing poetry, life in Los Angeles, and other fun stuff! Now that it's summer, I have more time on my hands to do what I love: write!! I have challenged myself, and other fellow writers to write 1 poem EVERYDAY starting June 28, 2013 until the very end of our 2013 summer. I will be posting poems that are my own, as well as any other friends who feel inspired to join me in this writing challenge!! My first poem was inspired by a friend of mine who reminds me that friendship is beyond just calling yourself someone's friend. A friend is someone who listens, accepts, forgives, and loves. Oh! And one more thing! A special shout out to Aneshia Tolliver, who will be writing a poem each day as well, so watch out for her stuff too, she's quite the writer!!